Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Thanksgiving Weekend

Well, the three of us met for dinner at Trattoria Toscana a wonderful Italina dinner. Franco came over and kissed all of us on the cheeks and sent over the best wine for the dinner. Bambie seemed a little anxious to tell us something. I noticed right away she hesitated with the wine. Nickie and I glanced over to each other with a knowing look. Bambie waited until the entree was served then spoke up. "I just had to tell you that Scott and I are having a baby." We congratulated her and I know Nickie was thinking "Scott my ass."

Bambie said that Scott would join us on Thursday morning to watch the parade. Chris was flying back in on Wednesday. Nickie cringed at the name and started eating her dinner. Bambie did not have a clue that they were on the outs. Dinner continued with more chatting on different items. Bambie was amazed when we told her all about the Italian vixen who had set me up in Brazil.

Tuesday and Wednesday we went shopping all day. Since Bambie did not know what she was having she just bought everything neutral. I brought Hunter with us at FAO Scwartz. His eyes lit up when he saw the toys. John met us there. Dad and son were having fun in the Lionel train section. I know what Hunter will be getting for Christmas!

Thursday morning came real early. I was still in my nightgown when everyone showed up. Nickie said, "nice flannel pj's"
I gave a snarl and then smiled, "at least I am wearing something!"
So I quickly dressed. Hunter was already up and at the window. We had a brunch set up for us to snack on during the parade. Hot chocolate, coffee, orange juice, grapefruit juice, eggs in all shapes, bacon, sausage, biscuits, you name it, it was there. It takes the parade awhile to get to our area of town so we just ate and chatted. Bambie I noticed kept looking over at Matthew. Then I realized she wasn't at dinner last night when he met up with Nickie.
"I am sorry, Bambie have we introduced Matthew to you?"
"No," she replied.
Nickie introduced him to Scott and Bambie. The conversation went back to football for the guys. But Rosemary whispered to Nickie, "what about Chris? I thought he was coming last night when I told him we would see him today at John's for the parade?"
Nickie said, "Later."
John, Hunter, Scott, and Matthew were on the side of the porch watching the first float passing by. Hunter about jumped out of John's arms trying to touch the balloon. Luckily, he had his arms tight around him. As I went to get the front carrier I heard John say to "Scott, never do anything that would get Bambie mad enough to take your kids away. Being a dad is the best thing that happened to me."
Nickie followed me into the next room. "You didn't threaten to take the baby away did you?"

"Haven't you ever wondered how she knew where we were going? You hadn't told Bambie or me where we were going. Who knew besides you?"
Nickie's eyes were large and she barely whispered, "John and Chris."

"Exactly! so either my house was bugged or my husband has been talking in detail to the Italian Vixen." Before Nickie could respond. "I chose to believe my house was bugged."

Nickie didn't know what to say.

I reached for the carrier and headed back to the porch. Hunter was secure on John's chest. I moved away so I could take pictures of them. Hunter's face was priceless. Nickie moved away from Matthew to get some hot chocolate. When she came back she stood next to me.

I whispered, "You know the nanny in Ireland didn't bother me, but this vixen scares me."
Nickie looked shocked. I forgot she didn't know about the nanny. "He has been on two long trips since our Italy trip. One he took Hunter with him to see family in Scotland. There are two days of travel he can't account for. the second trip he went alone and was unreachable. When have I taken Hunter to Richard's? Or when has he not been able to reach me? Oh, besides when I was drugged......

Nickie whispered back " for what it is worth I don;t think he told her everything. He only knew the city and I told Chris the hotel. But I did call to confirm when I was at your house. Stick with the bug angle."

"He did call and tell her it was over when we were at the lighthouse. I did hear him tell her that the paternity test came back and her son is not his. I did seem him get more involved with Hunter since then. he is Hunter's father, Nickie." I walked towards John.

Nickie stood by Matthew. I think we all were excited when Santa went by. So we went inside to warm up. The food was gone but there were hot drinks to warm us up. There was a faint smell of turkey in the background. I helped Hunter out of the carrier and gave him to the nanny. I turned around and my eyes met Nickie's. We smiled. I knew she now understood why I had older nanny's now. We discussed the day. The men and Nickie were going to watch football games. Bambie and I would go window display shopping and for a walk.

After a fabulous dinner I almost wanted a nap, but Rosemary had a bundle of energy to use. So we headed off while the others were dozing off waiting for the game to begin.

Bambie had a lot of questions about Matthew, Chris, Nickie, John and Brazil. We walked and chatted. I told her what I knew. That up to two weeks ago it was Chris coming for the week. But somewhere in Iceland or Alaska she met up with Matthew. He is really nice and gets along with us. We stopped into a quaint chocolate shop and indulged. We enjoyed our walk back to the penthouse. They guys were all awake watching the game except for John. Seems he got a phone call. I walked quietly into the bedroom He was asleep on the bed. I saw his phone and the call had come from his sister. I woke him up and told him about the score and that half time was almost over. He reached for me, "don't worry I have her number blocked. She won't bother us again." He pulled me closer and caressed my neck just the way I like it The game was almost over when we came back into the room. Nickie looked at me. I mouthed, "his sister." she smiled.

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