Thursday, December 10, 2009

Thanksgiving Weekend part eight

Nickie and Tyler at the dinner quietly, it was delicious. They took their drinks and the bottle in front of the fire. Tyler sat down on the floor Nickie sat next to him leaning against his chest, for a few minutes they just watched the fire in silence.
" Richard seems like he is still concerned about Scarlett/Beth," he said breaking his silence.
"Yea, he is. I understand now that she loves him because he loved her without knowing her past. John loves her in spite of her past. I don't know what she will do now."
There was silence again.

"Oh, before I forget I will be leaving my phone here. Will you please leave it on, charge it, and take it to town once in awhile? I would also like you to call Richard once a day."
He looked puzzled, "How will I call you?"
"I will give you my new number. We picked up new phones while we were out. That way I can still reach everyone and wont be traced. Instead they will think I am still here."

he looked at her with his intense blue eyes. She knew it was time to shut up, as he leaned into kiss her. She didn't have to worry, her mind went not to Richard but stayed with Tyler. It wasn't hard as she ran her hand up the back of his head, his hair was short, not long like Richard's. the kissing intensified, they slid down the chair and she succumbed to him. He pulled off his shirt then hers. He laid back down on top of her as they kissed some more she began to take charge. They rolled over for her to be on top. She worked on his belt and loosened his pants. The snow began to fall. Two lovers in their own world, no clue of the storm brewing outside.

Meanwhile, John and Beth walked around the area. It was a nice long walk. John watched Beth, she grimaced every once in awhile and walked slower. He regretted working on the case with Overmeyer and having an affair with Francesca. But that started back when he first me Beth.

Beth looked up at him. She touched his face softly. He held her hand there.They began walking again. They looked at the store windows everything was decorated, simple but elegant. They talked about Hunter and Christmas. Also about buying gifts for Nickie and her man, whomever it would be. All he walking made them hungry, which made them laugh. They stopped n a little shop. Beth ordered a grilled ham and cheese with hot chocolate. While they waited for the food Beth placed her hand on the table. John reached over to hold her hand. They sat and looked at each other. She shied away when the waitress brought the food. He smiled at her, thinking how there was still her innocence still there. She smiled back at him. The food was delicious, they talked about the rest of their day. When they left she took his hand. He felt almost like they were dating again. She was slower walking back. They stopped into see Hunter on the way back to the room. Hunter was having so much fun. Beth told Hunter that she was going to go lay down but would be back later to eat dinner with him tonight. He hugged her and kissed her on the cheek. It was hard for her to get back up. Hunter was back playing and the workers blocked his view as John helped her up. They headed back to the room. Beth undressed and put on a a gown. She asked John to lay with her until she fell asleep. He did then he quietly moved off the bed to his extra bag that he brought. He unzipped the bag, it was full of money. Before he left New York after he found about the attack he had withdrawn a few thousand just in case. He always had his "extra" money in safe places and his job money they lived off of. So he wasn't lying to Beth, not really. So he left. He went back to one store in particular where her eyes lit up for the special garnet necklace and earrings He also picked up a comfortable sweat pantsuit set. So she would be able to have less pressure on her back and waist. She was tossing and turning when he got back. He climbed on the bed and started stroking her hair. She stared calming down after a few minutes. She opened her eyes his face close. She reached up to him to kiss him. He started to pull away. She held on with her arms around his neck, she whispered, "take this memory away."
He kissed her with tears building up in his eyes. He whispered back, "I love you." He kept telling her as he removed her clothing. Talking softly to her, he gently laid on top of her and caressed her side. She winced. He asked, "Do you want me to stop?"
"No, I need to be loved again."
He quietly kissed her down the neck. Taking care to love her like he always had. Today even more than before. They came together as one both with tears streaming down their faces, saying " I Love you." As they laid back on the bed she laid her head on his chest. She looked at him," I know the attack was not your fault. When you met Francesca I was in hiding, still in my shell. Neither of us knew my former attacker and your old lover would meet." She stopped talking and moved in a position to kiss him. She sat on top of him rubbing and kissing his chest. He knew she was in pain, moving as she was but he also knew the emotional pain was what she was trying to erase. She continued kissing him. She was n control now. he decided to enjoy the ride. This time as she laid next to him. He stroked her hair. They woke up in time to get ready for dinner. Beth enjoyed putting on sweat pants she was still tender where she was kicked and punched.
Hunter was already waiting for them. They sat together. he talked up a storm. He loved it here. The others loved to be with him too. That night they roasted marshmallows, drank hot chocolate and sang songs. They were back in the their rooms by eight. While they were talking about what to do tonight, there was a knock on the door. John opened it and there was Nickie!
John hugged her. Beth joined them in the sitting area. "How are you feeling," Nickie asked Beth.
"Better, " she looked at John and smiled, " I still am sore, though. How was your stay with Tyler?"
Nickie blushed, "Good. are you up to hearing what I know or do you want me to tell John, first?"
Beth moved closer to John. "I am ready." He put his arm around her.
Nickie told them all of what she had found out. She told John about Tom Winters and what he had said. Nickie was hungry so they walked down to the kitchen. Nickie was thinking how she missed Tyler. Then Rand came around the corner. Both of their eyes lit up. While Nickie ate John asked her when he could call Tom Winters?
Nickie looked at Rand, "Is there a phone that we can use to call out that is not traceable?"
Rand answered, " I will ask Santa if we can use his."
Rand left, he was back in a flash. "Yes, he can call tonight because it will be afternoon there. Just meet Santa in his office in fifteen minutes."
John headed over. Beth stayed with Rand and Nickie.
Nickie didn't know what to say. Beth spoke up first, "How is Richard?"
"He is fine. He is really trying to find who attacked you and get them put behind bars. He does love you."
Beth said, "Oh, does he know about my past?"
Nickie looked at her, "He knows they attacked you before but he doesn't know everything." Nickie thought she couldn't be the one that ended this before he had a chance to prove himself.
"Oh, that is good then. He doesn't need to know my past. It is just that when I am with him Beth never existed."
John came back, "I talked to Tom, it seems that they have a sting operation going and it includes the guard at the prison and Overmeyer. It is going down now. They have word that our house in the country had an intruder. He was gone before they got there. Jason is under their care. After this sting operation and Overmeyer and his cousin are put away we should be able to go home. Though it will be hard to get Hunter away from here. They haven't connected Francesca yet to this. I told them what you told us about the cell phone scam. They are going to track them down and get her connected. But she won't be put away for long, just an attempt to get rid of my wife and son."

"You want to get back to work, don't you,"asked Beth.

"Yes and no," he responded. "I want to be with you but I want to be in charge finding the bad people not in hiding from them. But I want you and Hunter by my side always."

"I think I want to go to bed. It is getting late for me," Beth said.

Nickie said, "Well, I am still awake since I came basically left this morning and arrived this afternoon which was evening to you." She looked at Rand, "I think we have some things to catch up on."

"Good night" they all said.

When Beth was out of ear shot. Nickie called Richard on her new phone. "I have arrived safe. By the way she asked about you. I told her that you know they attacked her before but not that you know her past. She wants to keep it that way. I just wanted to give you a chance."

"Thanks," Richard said. "How does she look? Is she okay?"

"She looks good. She gets tired easily. John does take care of her. Well, I have to go. Looks like they are going to do a raid and take some of the players down. Overmeyer and Francesca are not among them."

"Sounds good," Richard said distractedly. "I will talk with you tomorrow."

"Good night."

She hung up the phone and looked back at Rand. He said, "You amaze me. I never thought you were the sensitive type."
She just smiled.

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