Beth couldn't believe that she was going back to the lighthouse for New Year's eve she was so excited to see Nicki and relax. The plane flight seemed like it was taking forever. Finally she arrived at the lighthouse.
"Nicki," she yelled up the stairs.
"What's up," came a voice behind her.
Beth jumped and turned around. Nicki was laughing putting the wood in the bin. They hugged.
"You look so good," Beth exclaimed. "I can't believe you are the mother of twins.
"Thanks," Nicki said. "But they twins are four now so I had time to wear off the baby fat."
"Oh my goodness," Beth said. " It has been that long since we went on a trip?"
"Yes, my dear that long," Nicki said pouring a couple drinks. "Still like your scotch on the rocks?"
"Yes, I do,' Beth said. "So why did you want to spend New Years here?"
"Tyler has been playing with his cream puff bunnies, as I call them to much lately and I wanted to go have some fun myself," she said. "Did John mind you leaving during the holidays?"
"No, as a matter of fact he was quite happy," Beth replied. "He has a young thing bothering him at work lately and I think he wants the chance to check her out."
"Well, it seems like this was a good idea then," Nicki said. "Now just hope we get some action tonight. It would really suck if we didn't." She laughed.
"Well, let's get ready and not let the men wait," Beth laughed.
Nicki came down in a stunning black short dress with a matching black coat.
Beth said, "you look stunning."
"That is what I was aiming for," Nicki said. "You look great in that outfit."
Beth laughed and took off the coat underneath she had a dazzling hunter green dress that was see through down the sides. "Does this look better?"
Nicki said, "You are getting sluttier by the year. Let's get going."
The restaurant seemed a little dead and both seemed to sigh at the same time.
Beth said, "Let's go to the bar first."
Nicki agreed.
"Let's split up, I see someone I want to meet," Beth said.
"I do to," Nicki said.
Nicki sat by a dark-headed man. "Do you mind if I sit here," she asked.
In a British accent he said, "No, not at all."
"My name is Nicki," she said.
"Mine is Tom," he said.
"Nice to meet you, " she said.
The waiter came up and inquired what she would like and she asked for a Jagerbomb.
"Do you want Jagermeister or red bull," asked the bartender.
"Jagermeister," she said.
"That sounds good," Tom said. "Give me one too."
Nicki and Tom began to chat and enjoy their drinks.
Meanwhile Beth was trying to get to the man she wanted to meet but he seemed to have people around him. She took off her coat and sat at a table where he could see her. She noticed he had seen her. He made his way to her.
"I don't think we have met before," he said. "or at least in that dress. My name is George."
Beth smiled. "I am Beth she said.
The went one with both women drinking and enjoying their partners.
When the ball dropped Beth saw a glimpse of Nicki kissing a handsome man, George grabbed her at that moment and kissed her passionately.
Nicki and Tom made their way over to them.
Nicki said, " If you don't mind we will be using the lighthouse tonight.'
Beth smiled and handed her the key. Then she whispered in George's ear," Guess I need a place to stay tonight."
He smiled. "I have a room here in the lodge that you can stay in. But I am not sure you will get much sleep."
The women wished each other a Happy New Year and parted ways.
George took Beth by the hand and led her to the room. He began rubbing his hands down the sides of the dress. He unzipped the back of the dress and Beth let it fall to the ground. He began kissing her from her neck to her thighs. Then she had to steady herself against the wall as he made his way back up. John hadn't been this attentive to her needs lately.
Meanwhile, Nicki was entering the door to the lighthouse with her handsome young man. He was talking to her as she picked up a phone.
"I have always wanted to stay in a lighthouse," he said. "Is that your husband he said peering over her shoulder."
"No," she said, "my friends."
"He said that is cruel I think taking a picture of yourself banging someone,"
"Yes,: she said. She read the text. "Don't need to come back too soon, I am banging my sweet little assistant and she is much better than you ever were." " I think his assistant took and sent that text."
"Are you going to leave it," he asked.
"Yes," she said. She laid the phone down and said now let's make sure we don't take any pictures for our spouses.
"Right," he said.
He grabbed Nicki and began kissing her then he worked his way down her neck. She started walking backward toward the stairwell. He stopped while they climbed to the room. When he got to the room he didn't take his time getting her clothes off her. Nicki helped him get his clothes off. She sat on the side of the bed and he stood in front of her. She didn't hold back and began working on him. He pulled back and moved her back on the bed. He massaged her body then turned her over. She had never been massaged like this. He lifted her butt up and began gently pounding her while working her. She couldn't hold back and began begging him to pound her. He started with fondling her breasts back up to rubbing her butt. She was wanting him even more. When she thought he was going to finish he pulled out of her and rolled her on her back. He leaned down and kissed her gently on the lips while his hand was caressing her making her want him more. He sat back smiling. Then he entered her again and she came up to kiss him. He pushed her back and pounded her until their excitement came together. He fell to the side of her and caressed her face. They rested for a while and began again.
Meanwhile back at the hotel. Beth was having a hard time standing so George took her to the bed. She wondered if she could do this again as she watched him undress. Once she saw him undressed she spread her legs and said, "Come make me scream with pleasure."
He laughed. "I will make sure you are begging me for more tonight," he said.
He plunged himself into her and she gasped. He was bigger than her husband. He held her arms down while he pounded her. She was moving in beat with him but she wanted her arms free. She couldn't take being held down. She pushed herself back a little so he would fall out. He let up on her arms and then she pushed him back and climbed on top of him. She rode him. He could see her changing into another woman, her spirit coming out. She was yelling vulgar things to him and riding him hard. She could feel him come inside her and she relaxed. She started smothering his face with her breasts and his hands started moving up and down her ass. He began to get hard inside her again. They spent the night going after each other.
She arrived back at the lighthouse and saw her phone on the table. She played the video and called her husband.
"Was it you or the slut that text me that picture," she asked.
John said, "What are you talking about?"
The video that was sent to me last nigh," she said.
"I didn't leave the house last night. I was with Hunter all evening," he said.
She text him the video. She watched it again waiting for his call and noticed that it wasn't even him.
"Guess, the assistant will be fired tomorrow," he said. "Did you have fun?"
She said, "Yes, I did actually and I won't miss that assistant."
Nicki came down quietly. "How are you," she asked.
"Good," she said, "it wasn't him in the video. How was your night?"
"Great," she said, "He is just waking up now."
"Nice," Beth said, "George has to fly out today. So I think I will fly with him. They can land and refuel and take him to California. I didn't sleep at all last night so maybe on the flight." She smiled.
Nicki laughed. "Thanks for spending the New years with me. Tom doesn't have to go back to work until Monday so I will fly out on Sunday."
They hugged.
"Let's go to Barbados for Valentines," Beth said.
"Yes," Nicki said. "I think we should get out more."
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